Monday, November 22, 2010

Abundant Beauty

Everywhere I look  I see beautiful things in the world around me.   I have created a beautiful life.   yes, there are things in my life that drive me a little crazy.  there are ugly things in my life that make me feel "ugg"....  but I accept those parts of my life  & shift my attention to the things in life that are beautiful right now.     I can find at least ten beautiful things around me right now.    Sometimes, when I am especially down, I have to look a little closer, or search a little more to find the beauty.   I can ask my spirit to help me.   ---  "please show me the beauty!"    i say.  
ahhh... there it is.
and there.

oh and that is beautiful too.
that leaf, that shadow, that steaming cup of coffee, the music playing in the car, the way this shift feels, the way my eyebrows arch when i talk, the people riding by on their bikes.....

so much beauty around me.
I have a rich, abundant  BEAUTIFUL Life!

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